Jackson's Beach

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Jackson's Beach

Jackson's Beach is the closet beach to downtown Friday Harbor. Just a five minute drive or 20 minute walk, this beach is a great place to let the dog run around, enjoy a summer picnic or bring a group of friends for a game of volley ball. There is a public boat launch at the end of the Peninsula perfect for launching small fishing boats, sailing boats, or catamarans. There is also a small dock next to the boat launch.

This beach is owned and maintained by the port of Friday Harbor and has nice eastern views of Griffen Bay, Lopez and Dinner Island.

To get to Jackson's Beach from downtown Friday Harbor though a Spring Street and take a left onto Argyle Street ( the main three way intersection in town ) and follow it up and down a hill past the fairgrounds. Take a left onto Pear Point Road and follow it for roughly one half mile... you will see Jackson's Beach and Peninsula on your right hand side. If you don't turn off to Jackson's Beach you can continue on the scenic drive around the point which will put you back in Friday Harbor.

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